Customer Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it!

Very helpful...

Fantastic to deal with, very helpful... Good service would recommend to others.

Fantastic communication...

Fantastic communication and support from Premier Heat Pumps…….. great looking product, well built, great size and clear and concise instructions. A++++

Great, very satisfied!

Great, very satisfied. I love my newly heated pool, as I can swim anytime of the day or night all year. What a difference its made. Thanks guys

WOW did they do a great job...

I stumbled across Premier Heat pumps when I was looking for a quality heat pump to heat our pool. One of the things that impressed me the most was their knowledge and professionalism. WOW did they do a great job of installing. This is one of the best purchases that I\'ve made. It makes me smile everytime I see the family in the pool.

Fantastic service, installation and product.

What better way to teach the next generation how to swim and learn water safety. Our pool project is heated by Premier Heat Pumps. Fantastic service, installation and product.

A BIG thank you to the guys...

We had a visit from a “so called” pool heating expert ... an ex photo copier salesman who talked toooo much and didn’t listen... and gave us poor advice.

A BIG thank you to the guys at Premier Heat Pumps who helped us out of a bad situation with the right pool heat pump, installation, advice and pricing.

The pricing, service and quality is unmatched!

Our pool was an underutilized hole in the ground until we heated it with one of your swimming pool heat pumps. The pricing, service and quality is unmatched, we thoroughly researched all of the options and found nobody came close to you on price or quality. Now our children and the neighbours children swim daily. It has truly become a family focal point and very much enjoyed by all. Thank you so much.